
Nu lucrez,ca sunt”elita”. Dar mi-e mila de mase desi sunt cam mizantrop ceea ce denota inconsecventa oarecum. Stii vorba aia,numai prostii sunt consecventi si paranoicii.

Simone - Floripa comentou em 17 de agosto de 2011 às 14:08. Julia vc deveria manter esse make pra sempre. Tipo “tatuar” no seu rosto, colar os cílios forever…enfim…finalmente algo que ficou espetacular em você (na minha opinião).

PIADAHoje estou bem humoradoUm dia um alferes "pára" pede apoio para orla de uma pequena bolanha onde foi detectado movimento IN..feito fogo a "ameixa" cai no meio desta..nova indicação daquele...mais 50m..|!!! 50 m ?...novo fogo... a "ameixa" cai no interior da mata...menos 5o m...diz ele... 50 m ?? ..não consigo.. olha recua a bolanha...!!!!!.Posteriormente expliquei-lhe que a diferença mínima que poderia fazer fogo era de 100 jardas = 90 metros mais ou menos.Preciosismos..era o que eraC.Martins

HajniZoliék is erdélyiek, így nekik most nem egy erdélyről szóló feladatot adnék, hanem személyes indíttatásból egy angol ételt kérnék, mivel a Párom három hónapja Angliában, Londonban dolgozik, HajniZoliék receptje nyomán, majd én is főzők egy kis angol ételt:)

Excellent idea, I might visit hardware store myself and pick some "jewelry" there. In general, I love your DIY projects as well as your blog - it´s very inspiring. I wish you were my older sister :)xxSimona

This is so cute, love your questionnaire, so fun! love the colors in this layout, they go great with the pics and the stitching around the circle is a nice touch :) that's a great sketch!

I did an interview recently with Lynn Terry, who is someone I’ve “known” for a long time on the Internet (and yes, have met in real life). Lynn is one of the most genuine people I’ve met on the net (she reminds me a lot of Christine Churchill) and she knows her shit and works hard. The chick makes good coin. Believe it.

Hard to believe Sienna is already a year old. Pretty nice looking little family. Thanks so much for posting your photos for us to view Sean. Again you did an amazing job!

Thank you for a fine analysis, Mr Greenfield.I conjecture that fantasies such as the warmist obsession have traction because affluence tends to obscure the fundamentals of existence. When food, clothing and shelter are taken for granted, the civilisation which provides them is undervalued and the indolent fall prey to idle fancies.The devil makes work for idle hands to do.

hoy he descubierto tu blog y me encanta!ya me he pulido todas las entradas y he de decirte que tienes una hija preciosa!Yo tengo mellizas de 9 meses, justo la semana pasada les compré esa sudadera así que me apunto el DIY!!!jejeje besos!p.d:donde compraste esa cinta adhesiva color flúor???me encantaaaaaa