
Merci pour votre article. Ce catalogue officiel des semences imposé par l’Union européenne est une aberration qui va à l’encontre de la vie et de la biodiversité, il est important d’en informer comme vous faites. Plus récemment, l’Union européenne a pensé à interdire le commerce de la phytothérapie…

Mocha: Are you insane? I intend to keep my testicles firmly attached to my body. My only hope is that somebody posts something else before she gets around to looking at this page … please …

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"well, it (the opposing view) might be right, but it's just an uninteresting subject."So uninteresting that the powers that be go to desperate lengths to prevent its being discussed freely. Comparing chewing gum brands is uninteresting too, but no one has to silence that conversation for fear that a disinterested observer come to the non-preapproved conclusion that Wrigley's is better than Trident.

Dude, this is absolutely brilliant. I cannot imagine how many hours of work you have put in this. Just keep up the good work! And maybe aim for big-scale documentaries. I predict an oscar in near future.Seriously good stuff!

"What’s that, you say? Iron Man’s smarter? Well, yeah, you’re right. He kinda is, isn’t he? But… who cares, dammit? This is THOR we’re talking about here. Ain’t no damn egghead in a tin suit going to beat him down! NEVAH!". what kind of a douch says even if he is right he is a nerdy, geek/douch

There are SO many stencils that it's really hard to choose, but I like the Little Lark and Indigo Bunting stencils ... Our first baby is due in June -- a girl -- and I can definitely see myself using these stencils as a part of the woodland motif Mr. M and I are going for in her nursery!

El “Courier” adolece de los mismos problemas del “Jornal de Notícias” (Portugal).- Una paleta tipográfica innecesariamente grande;- El uso de grandes manchas de color cálido que causa confusión sobre lo que es el contenido y lo que es publicidad;- Y todo (tipografía, ilustración, manchas de color) compiten por la atención del lector, ausencia de una jerarquía bien definida.En broma, Javier Errea se encuentra en una fase de color de su carrera.Pero estoy de acuerdo contigo Diego, soy fan de la cabecera medio mecanográfica y del iconito del planeta.

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