
what about getting notifications about page rank penalties? it seems to us that we have dropped 5 points due to google believing we sold a cple of links. I dont really care of the green thing but my boss does

hey Claire! I want to be polite and say “this so isn’t necessary!!” but being the tea addict that I am (and having run out of english tea years ago) I’m so excited. I want to return the favour but I can’t think of anything Canadian that you’d be interested in. Maple syrup perhaps? It’d be hard to ship poutine hahaYou’re the sweetest <3

I think obscure words are OK so long as the answer is ‘work-out-able’ from the clue. Then you think “well I’ve never met that one before – I wonder if there is any such word” and look it up. Hey presto – it does!! Great! Then all you need to do is remember it for the next time you need it – unfortunately that’s where it all goes **** up for me!!

Heather Patalon OMG i love it! Milujem Hello Kitty, ale ja by som to nosiť šaty na svadbu. by som ju nosiť na iné veci, ale nie na moju svadbu.

Con lo que me gustan las alubias, y no se me habría ocurrido nunca que se podía hacer un pastel, y menos con esta pinta tan rica!!!! me lo llevo ...bsts. maite

Paulinha comentou em 25 de maio de 2011 às 15:55. Aeee, Julia! Eu pedi tanto!! Obrigada por ouvir suas petisquetes!!!Adorei o resultado! Agora vou baixar o vídeo e treinar em casa!

It beats me why banks and Financial Inst. do not force customers to use difficult long passwords. If they forget, they can simply reset the password and charge them a fee. It's a win for the banks and bonus, they get to keep our cash longer too!! Haha.

Mike Cliffson- Agreed that EF masses should not be set against non-english masses. I would just like to appeal to the pastors who will accommodate groups like this out of a sense of pastoral concern, but feel no need to reach out to parishioners who sincerely express a desire for the EF. Diversity seems to include any language but Latin.

I dropped by the library today and was very pleased to see the exhibit.In particular I say lots great images by some names that were not overly familiar to me so it seem this had a very broad appeal and got wide participation.Nicely Done

Olá, Sergio. São emails falsos. Reforçamos que não realizamos este tipo de campanha. O ideal é apagar imediatamente mensagens do gênero e não acessar qualquer link apresentado. Obrigado.